Allocating licenses from activities
In the Activities and Tasks application, you can allocate license capacity to one or more locations, computer assets, partition assets, application users or general ledger (GL) accounts.
About this task
- Approved (APPR)
- In Progress (INPRG)
- Waiting on Material (WMATL)
The Allocate Licenses window lists all licenses that are reserved for the current task and provides sub tabs that you can use to allocate the licenses to locations, computer assets, partition assets, application users and general ledger (GL) accounts.
Expanding a row in the Reserved Licenses section provides information about the license and about the license reservation for the task.
You can select a license row in the Reserved Licenses section and then select the appropriate sub tab in the lower part of the window to allocate the selected license. The sub tabs display only information about the allocations currently in progress. They do not display all allocations that exist for the license.
The sub tabs display only information about the allocation currently in progress. They do not display all allocations that exist for the license. In some cases, you might assume that you can allocate a license because the location, asset, user, or GL account is not displayed in the list of allocations. However, the license might have been allocated in a different procedure, or it might have been allocated for a different reservation in the window. Since a license cannot be allocated to the same location, asset, person or GL account more than once, you will receive an error message when you attempt to allocate it again.
Because the number of licenses available for computers and partitions can be very large, you can select the Select Assets from the Work Order check box to limit the number of assets that are displayed. This option displays only assets that are associated with the task or listed in the Multiple Assets, Locations and CIs table.
The following instructions explain how to allocate license capacity for a task.
- The license allocation is automatically associated with the current task.
- The amount of capacity allocated is subtracted from the amount of capacity reserved for the task. It is possible to allocate more capacity than was reserved for the task. In this case, the reserved capacity is reduced to 0. If you allocate more capacity than is available for the license, a message is displayed to inform you that the capacity for the license has been exceeded. Typically the total quantity of all internal allocations plus reserved capacity should be less than or equal to the license capacity. However, because some licenses permit capacity realignment based on a reevaluation of capacity growth over some period of time before the license agreement expires, the available capacity can be a negative number. If the total license capacity is exceeded, determine whether the license agreement permits additional capacity to be added at a later date. If the license capacity cannot be realigned later, you can adjust license allocations so that they do not exceed the license capacity available.
- A license transaction is generated for the task, and cost information is calculated for the line item cost and unit cost. You can view this transaction information on the Licenses sub tab of the Actuals tab.
- On the List tab, select the activity that you want to work with.
- On the Actuals sub tab of the Resources tab, select the Licenses sub tab.
- On the Licenses sub tab, click Allocate Licenses.
- In the Reserved Licenses section of the Allocate Licenses window, select the license that you want to allocate.
- Select the Computer Assets sub tab.
- In the Search section of the Select Computer Assets window, enter the search criteria for the computer asset records that you want to list for selection.
- To display only assets that are associated with the activity or listed in the Multiple Assets, Locations and CIs table, select the Select Assets from the Work Order check box.
- In the Capacity field, specify the amount of capacity to allocate.
- In the Computer Assets section, select the computer asset or assets that you want to allocate the capacity to.
- Click OK.