Activating a license

Use the Licenses application to change the state of one or more license records from Draft to Active. A license must be active to be relevant in any future license audit. At least one product must be associated with a license before you can make it active.

Before you begin

Before starting this task, make sure that the license or licenses you want to activate have been purchased and received.

About this task

A license must be active before it is considered to be in use.

The steps for activating a license follow.


  1. On the navigation bar, click Go To > Assets > Licenses.
  2. In the Licenses application, click Enter in the License field to display all license records, or use the filter or Advanced Search to limit the list of license records that you want to display. (To select multiple licenses from the displayed record list, you must select the Select Records check box and then check one or more licenses to be activated.)
  3. On the toolbar, click Change Status. If, instead, you open a license record and the click Change Status from the License tab or another tab, the status change is applied to the currently open license only.
  4. In the New Status field, select ACTIVE and click OK. The new status is saved automatically.
