Software contract statuses

Software contract records have a status to indicate where the record is in a contract life cycle.

The following rules apply to changing contract statuses:
  • Before you can change a contract's status to Approved (APPR), you must specify a vendor and a start date for the contract. When you are working with software contracts, you must authorize at least one site prior to approval.
  • You can cancel (CAN) or close (CLOSE) a contract only if there are no outstanding payment schedules or approved purchase orders that reference the contract. You cannot cancel or close a master contract if any of its associated contracts are open or have pending payment scheduled for them.
  • You can revise a contract only when it is in approved status.
Software contract records can have one the following status values:
Table 1. Contract statuses
Status Description
APPR The contract record is approved. From this status, you can change the record status to CAN, CLOSE, SUSPND, EXPIRED.

You must specify a vendor and a start date for a contract before you can change its status to approved. An end date is not required for contract approval. At least one authorized site must be associated with the contract before it can be approved.
CAN The contract record is canceled or terminated. You cannot modify a contract record that has this status value.

You cannot cancel a software contract if it has any outstanding scheduled payments or approved purchase orders against it. A notification is sent to you if unapproved purchase orders exist against a contract. The status of unapproved purchase orders cannot be changed to approved after the contract is cancelled.
CLOSE The contract record is closed and all its terms and conditions are met. You cannot modify a contract record that has this status value. When you change the status of a contract, the application records the date and time of the status change and lets you record a memo.

You cannot close a software contract if it has any outstanding scheduled payments or approved purchase orders against it. A notification is sent to you if unapproved purchase orders exist against a contract. The status of unapproved purchase orders cannot be changed to approved after the contract is closed.

When you change the status of a contract, the application records the date and time of the status change and lets you record a memo. You can view this information using the View History action.
DRAFT The contract is a draft. In this status you can edit everything according to the properties for this type of contract. From this status, you can change the record status to WAPPR, APPR, CLOSE or CAN.
EXPIRED The contract record is expired. The end date for the contract has passed. You cannot modify a contract record that has this status value. You can change the status from expire to pending revision by revising the expired contract.
PNDREV The contract is a revised version of an existing contract. This status is similar to the draft status, but you can only edit specified fields.
REVISED The contract record is revised. A REVISED status value is assigned to a contract revision that you have approved. You cannot modify anything on this contract record or change its status.
SUSPND The contract record is suspended. You cannot modify anything on the contract except to change its status to APPR, CAN, or CLOSE.
WAPPR The contract record is waiting for approval. You can modify the record and change the status to DRAFT, APPR, CLOSE or CAN.
WSTART The contract record is waiting to start. This status value is assigned to the record when its start date is set for the future. You can change the record status value to APPR.
