Reconciliation and customers

The Reconciliation module applications provide additional features that help you reconcile authorized IT assets with deployed assets for specific customers.

While managing the assets of multiple customers, service providers can associate customer information with reconciliation tasks, task filters, link rules, and comparison rules and use that association to perform reconciliations for specific customers. To facilitate this feature a Customer field is added to each Reconciliation module application. The customer can be the customer who owns the assets or configuration items (CIs), or the customer on whose behalf the service provider discovers the assets and CIs.

The Customer field provides both data separation and security. It separates data, allowing service providers to perform reconciliations for a specific customer. It also maintains security, ensuring that users can view or manage data only if they are authorized to work with a specific customer.

If a customer is associated with a reconciliation task, that customer must also be specified on the task filters, link rules, or comparison rules that are defined for the reconciliation task. If you specify a customer on a reconciliation task, all lookups for task filters, link rules and comparison rules are restricted to the customer that is specified on the task.
