Deployed assets and customer data
For service providers, the deployed assets applications offer additional features that help you manage deployed assets for multiple customers.
When you import deployed asset data, customer information can be associated with deployed assets so that service providers can view and manage deployed assets for multiple customers.
Importing customer data into deployed assets applications
Service providers can use Integration Composer to tag discovered assets with a corresponding customer value when they import data about discovered assets into the Deployed Assets applications. To include customer data for computers, network printers, and network devices, service providers modify the mapping for the adapter that they use to import deployed asset data. Service providers must add a customer property to the computer, network printer, or network device and provide the appropriate value for the customer. When the mapping is run, data for the customer is imported into the Computers, Network Printers, or Network Devices application.
There is no validation on the Customer field. Exercise caution when entering a value for customers in mappings. If you set an invalid value for a customer in a mapping, you might not be able to see the discovered asset records for that customer in the deployed assets applications because security limits access to these records based on the value in the Customer field.
Promoting computers to assets
Customer data can be transferred when you promote computers to assets. When you promote a computer or partition that has a customer associated with it, the associated customer is assigned to the promoted asset. If the instance that is being promoted is a child partition that is associated with a customer, the customer that is associated with the child is assigned to the promoted asset. However, if the child partition does not have a customer associated with it, the asset promoted for the child inherits the customer of the parent computer or partition.If no value for a customer is supplied by the discovered computer information, you can use the Promote to Asset feature or Promotion Defaults feature to specify a customer to use for the asset that is created from the deployed computer data. If the value that the deployed asset data provides for the customer is not correct, you can modify this value by specifying a different value in the Promote to Asset window or in the Promotion Defaults window.
Reconciliation and customer data
To reconcile deployed assets with authorized IT assets for a specific customer, you can use the customer as a filter when you set up the reconciliation.
Security for customer data
To ensure that only authorized users can view information about customers, access to information in the deployed assets applications is controlled by authorization settings in the Security Groups (SP) application. If information about a deployed asset is associated with a specific customer, only a user who is authorized to work with that customer can view the data. Providers who offer service to multiple customers can use the security authorizations to configure access to customer records as needed. For example, if Provider ABC manages IT assets for several customers, a service desk agent who works for Provider ABC can view the computers that belong to all of the customers, but an employee of one of the customers has access only to the computers that are associated with the employer.
More information
For more information about tasks related to managing deployed software, see Administering deployed software