Enabling or disabling Service Bulletins from the Self Service Center

You can configure your environment to display a Service Bulletin in the Self Service Center when a service request is created to be able to communicate to Self Service Center user about critical issues.

About this task

The display of the Service Bulletin from the Self Service Center is disabled by default. To enable the display of the Service Bulletin, set the system property pmcom.ticket.enable.ServiceBulletinInSelfService value to 1. After setting the system property value, use the Live Refresh action for the web server for the change to become effective.


  1. Open the System Properties application (Go To > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > System Properties).
  2. Click Filter.
  3. In the Property Name field, type the first few letters of the property that you want to modify, and press Enter.

    For example, type pmcom if you want to modify the property for the Service Bulletin.

  4. Open the property, and in the Global Value field, enter 1 to enable the dialog or 0 to disable it.
  5. Click save.
  6. Check the box beside the name of the property that you have modified, and click live refresh to refresh the system properties to include your modification.
