Synchronized updates of linked assets or CIs
You can set automated synchronization options so that key attributes are kept in synch between linked assets and CIs.
Changes to linked assets and CIs are synchronized based on rules that depend upon whether the asset or CI is changed first, and where the change is made (in UI applications, by promotion, or from the integration framework). The rules are described in the sections that follow.
How asset changes from the UI are synchronized
From the Assets application in the user interface, you can add or change common specification attributes on the Specification tab as well as change the serial number attribute on the Asset tab. If synchronization is enabled, the changes you make will be synched with any linked CI as soon as you click Save.
When an authorized asset's specification attributes (attributes that vary by classification) are modifed, those attributes are copied to the linked authorized CI.
- When a new specification attribute is added to an authorized asset and the linked CI has the same attribute, the new specification attribute is copied from the authorized CI. However, if the current CI value is null, the value of asset instead is set to the default value for the classification, and the formerly null CI value is synched with the asset.
- When a value for a specification attribute in an authorized asset is changed and the linked CI has the same attribute, the new value is copied to the CI.
From the Changes application in the user interface, you can modify the common specification attributes for assets. If an authorized asset and authorized CI are linked, and a specification attribute is modified for the asset, its value is copied to the authorized CI that is linked to the asset.
How CI changes from the UI are synchronized
From the Configuration Items application in the user interface, you can add or change common specification attributes (including serial number) on the CI Details tab.
If the length of the serial number value for a CI is longer than the corresponding value for a linked asset, only the first 64 characters are copied to the asset during synchronization. If a new or changed CI value is copied to the asset, any measurement unit associated with the value is also copied. The changes will be synched with any authorized CI currently linked to the authorized asset as soon as you click Save.
- When a new specification attribute is added to an authorized CI and the linked asset has the same attribute, the new specification attribute is copied from the authorized asset. However, if the current asset value is null, the value of CI instead is set to the default value for the classification, and the formerly null asset value is synched with the CI.
- When a value for a specification attribute in an authorized CI is changed and the linked asset has the same attribute, the new value is copied to the asset.
From the Changes application in the user interface, you can modify the common specification attributes for CIs. If an authorized asset and authorized CI are linked, and a specification attribute is modified for the CI, its value is copied to the authorized asset that is linked to it.
How promotion changes are synchronized
Deployed asset–to–authorized asset promotion
When a deployed asset is promoted to an authorized asset, the serial number from the deployed asset is copied to the authorized asset. If authorized asset is linked to an authorized CI, then the serial number from the authorized asset is copied to the authorized CI.
If the authorized asset is a generic asset, the promotion process changes the generic asset's classification to the classification specified in the promotion. However, the deployed asset has no common specification attribute values, so when the generic asset classification changes, the common specification attributes are created from the base classification, and the values are copied from the linked, authorized CI to the authorized asset.
Actual CI–to–authorized CI promotion
When an actual CI is promoted to an authorized CI, the common specification attributes from the actual CI are copied to the authorized CI. If authorized CI is linked to an authorized asset, then the common specification attributes from the authorized CI are copied to the authorized asset after the attribute values are obtained from the actual CI.
If the authorized CI is a generic CI, the promotion process changes its classification to an authorized classification defined in the promotion scope and copies the common specification attributes from the actual CI. If the authorized CI is linked to an authorized asset, then the common specification attributes are copied to the authorized asset.
How integration framework changes are synchronized
- Serial number
- Common specification attributes