Step 2. Attribute matching and linking

Attribute matching and linking is performed by one or more link rules in the default asset-CI reconciliation task.

To link an authorized asset with its corresponding authorized CI, link rules in the asset-CI reconciliation task look for:
  • Authorized assets whose link-rule attributes and values match a given authorized CI
  • Authorized CIs whose link-rule attributes and values match a given authorized asset
Each of these searches is described below.

As mentioned previously, the asset-CI reconciliation task can use a DIS GUID or a reconciliation link rule to match authorized asset and CIs. The reconciliation task will perform a DIS GUID search first. If that search is unsuccessful, the reconciliation task will attempt a second search using link rules before any generic asset or CI is created.

Note that the asset-CI reconciliation task does not try to find the corresponding authorized asset or CI for actual CIs or deployed assets that are already linked to authorized resources.

Searches that use reconciliation link rules

Finding authorized assets for a given authorized CI. The administrator can add customized link rules to the reconciliation task prior to processing.

If the DIS GUID search does not succeed, the asset-CI reconciliation task runs one or more link rules that look for an authorized asset that has the same link rule attributes and values as the authorized CI.

If an authorized asset is found, the reconciliation task links it with authorized CI. (In the absence of an authorized asset, the asset-CI reconciliation task might create a generic one, provided sufficient information is available to do so.)

Finding authorized CIs for a given authorized asset. The administrator can add customized link rules to the reconciliation task prior to processing.

If the DIS GUID search does not succeed, the asset-CI reconciliation task runs one or more link rules that look for an authorized CI that has the same link rule attributes and values as the authorized asset.

If an authorized CI is found, the reconciliation task links it with the authorized asset. (In the absence of an authorized CI, the reconciliation task might create a generic one, provided sufficient information is available to do so.)
