Step 1. Discovered-data matching and linking

Each time the default asset-CI reconciliation task runs, the first thing it does is perform some discovered-data matching in the background. The operation attempts to match assets and CIs using a DIS GUID, discovered data imported by Integration Composer.

When discovered assets and CIs are created in the database as the result of data imports from Integration Composer, they are registered with Data Integration Services (DIS) and are assigned a globally unique identifier, called a GUID, based on naming rules. This unique identifier, saved in the database as an attribute of a deployed asset or actual CI, is used to by the asset-CI reconciliation task to link authorized assets and CIs whose discovered counterparts have the same DIS GUID value. That is, if a deployed asset and actual CI are found to match because they have the same GUID value, then their authorized counterparts can be matched as well, and then linked.

Discovered-data matching runs as a background operation of the asset-CI reconciliation task, CCILinkAssetsAndCIs. The administrator must schedule and activate the reconciliation task before it will run. With automated linking thus enabled, any conflicts, or so-called "duplicate" assets or CIs, that are found during reconciliation task processing are logged in the SystemOut.log file (but only when the PMCCI logger is active and set to WARN level).

To link an authorized asset with its corresponding authorized CI, the reconciliation task looks for:
  • An authorized asset that matches a given authorized CI because their discovered asset and CI counterparts have matching DIS GUID values
  • An authorized CI that matches a given authorized asset because their discovered CI and asset counterparts have matching DIS GUID values
Each of these searches is described below.

Note that the asset-CI reconciliation task does not try to find the corresponding authorized asset or CI for actual CIs or deployed assets that are already linked to authorized resources.

Searches that use a DIS GUID

Finding authorized assets for a given authorized CI. This DIS GUID search uses a 3-step process:
  1. Starting from the authorized CI to be matched, the default asset-CI reconciliation task finds its actual CI counterpart, which is referred to in the ACTCINUM database field in the CI table.
  2. The reconciliation task next finds the deployed asset that has the same DIS GUID value as that actual CI.
  3. The reconciliation task then finds the authorized asset that is linked to the deployed asset through the RECONLINK database table.
If all the targets in the steps above are found, the default reconciliation task links the authorized CI with its final target, the authorized asset. (In the absence of an authorized asset, a follow-on search using the reconciliation link rules is attempted.)
Finding authorized CIs for a given authorized asset. This DIS GUID search uses a 3-step process:
  1. Starting from the authorized asset to be matched, the default reconciliation task finds its deployed asset counterpart through the RECONLINK database table.
  2. The reconciliation task next finds the actual CI that has the same DIS GUID value as that deployed asset.
  3. The reconciliation task then finds the authorized CI that contains a unique number, ACTCINUM, that matches the matches the corresponding unique number of the actual CI.
If all the targets in the steps above are found, the default reconciliation task links the authorized asset with its final target, the authorized CI. (In the absence of an authorized CI, a follow-on search using the reconciliation link rules is attempted.)
